Catching Up!
I have a new job at Christopher Newport University in Newport News Virginia. Both Heather and I work there now, so we get to ride to work together. Daniel and Chasity are coming up here in late December and Mam and Dad are coming over from Ireland New Year's Eve - we're so excited about that.Ciara is running around the house these days. The words that she has some grasp of are: More!, Daddy, Mamma, doggy, da Baby!, Ball (baw), Show (goo), light (lie), Night Night (nie nie), Bye, Yeah, Uh Oh, Oh No (no no), Tree, Kitty (itty), Down, Get Down, Hot (ha), Fish (geesh), Thank you (tid-too, sometimes tid-yoo), diaper (giper), Pooh (as in Winnie the), Book (boo), boo (as in peek-a-), jump (um!), Banana (nana), vroom vroom (rum rum).
Right now she has bronchitis, so she's not feeling the best. It should clear up early next week with the medication she's on.
All the craziness of the last few months has died down, so I'm going to try and get back into the swing of the blog. The last few posts I did tonight are an attempt to catch up on all the photos since we were in Ireland last. Enjoy them and don't forget to click on the photo to go to the full gallery!